Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission
What is the difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion?
Nuclear fusion is the process in which Nouattan Dhiratan coalesce to form one heavier nucleus.
According to Wikipedia:
Nuclear fusion process which collects Nouattan Dhiratan to form a single heavier nucleus. And plays a merger of the nuclei of light, such as a proton, a nucleus of a hydrogen atom and deuteron nucleus of heavy hydrogen and Alteretyon a nucleus of tritium a huge role in the world and in the universe, where the stems through this merger tremendous amount of energy appear in the form of heat and radiation, as happens in the sun, Vtmdna heat and light and life. Without this interaction and found the sun and found the stars, no life without that energy called nuclear fusion energy. It produces such enormous power for the loss of weight in the nucleus resulting from nuclear fusion, and the mass loss converted into energy according to Albert Einstein equation linking the relationship between mass and energy.
This interaction is the one who feeds the rest of the sun and other stars in the universe, and provides them with heat and light.
Interest lies in nuclear fusion energy release amounts far greater than expressed by fission. In addition, the oceans naturally contain sufficient amounts of Aldoatriom necessary to interact if Vlhalansan tame that energy to feed the energy of the planet for thousands of years, and that the material emitted from the merger (especially helium-4), is not radioactive materials.
In spite of the large number of experiments that have been carried out in all parts of the world fifty years ago, it has not been reached to build a reactor to merge, but continued progress in research for the purpose of reaching it. All that man could reached in this area came in the military field creating the hydrogen bomb.
Nuclear fusion reaction occurs when the overlap Nouattan Dhiratan. In order to do this overlap, it is necessary to go beyond the nuclei repulsion between winning Almujptin there charges (and the phenomenon known as the Colombian barrier). If we apply the rules of classical mechanics alone, would be the possibility of getting the merger nuclei is very low, because of the kinetic energy (thermal agitation of approval) very high necessary to overcome the barrier. On the other hand, suggests that quantum mechanics, which is confirmed by experiment, that the Colombian insurmountable barrier also the phenomenon of quantum tunnel, cards lower.
However, the energy required for the merger remains very high, which is more than offset by the heat of tens or perhaps hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius by the nature of the nuclei. Inside the sun, for example, being the interaction of ionizing hydrogen fusion to generate through the stages of helium, under the temperature is estimated at 15 million degrees Celsius, and it happens within several different reactions produced by the heat of the sun. And considering some of those interactions between isotopes of hydrogen to produce energy through fusion, such as deuterium - deuterium or deuterium - tritium (see below). As in the sun Vttwasal the merger to light elements and then medium and then generate the heavy elements such as iron, which contains in its nucleus at 26 Proton and about 30 neutrons. In some of the more massive stars from the sun, are mergers of the largest nuclei at temperatures greater.
When integrated into the nuclei of small, produces unstable nuclei called sometimes the nucleus of a vehicle, and to return to steady-state with less energy, launches a particle or more (photon, neutron, proton, depending on the interaction), and distributed the excess energy between the nucleus and the particle absolute in the form of kinetic energy . According to the illustration starts Noahdhirh helium with a capacity of 5 and 3 MeV neutron and stems with a capacity of 14,1 MeV (mega electron volts). In fusion reactors currently being applied scientists strive to get good yields of energy during the merger, any of the necessary energy to be generated is greater than the energy consumed to continue interactions and the exploitation of the heat produced in the production of electrical energy. It also must isolate the vicinity of the ocean interaction and materials in fusion reactors.
When there is no stable position, almost, it may be impossible to do the integration of cores (for example: 4He + 4He).
The interactions fusion, which launches the most energy are those that use more nuclei lightness to produce helium, because helium nucleus alpha particle is the most powerful nucleus of an atom sticking at all hand cohesion, they contain two protons and two neutrons, and these four are very cohesion so that becomes part equivalent 005 and 0 of the bloc, as shown in the drawing interaction, the kinetic energy is distributed between the helium nucleus and the resulting neutron. The total Taqtin Mozotain = 3.5 +14.1 = 17.6 mega electron volts. Thus Aldoetereom nuclei (one proton and one neutron) and tritium (one proton and Niotrunan), used in the following reactions:
• deuterium + deuterium -> Helium 3 + neutron
• deuterium + deuterium -> tritium + proton
• deuterium + tritium -> Helium 4 + neutron
• deuterium + helium-3 -> Helium -4 + proton
These reactions are more interactions in the study of fusion experiments at the laboratory observation, each of which produces about 17 mega electron volts of energy
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